BDO negotiating with Rangers FC Group over £18m claim on oldco

Negotiations are underway between BDO and Rangers FC Group to resolve an £18 million claim on the collapsed RFC 2012 plc, The Herald reports.
Liquidators BDO are trying to prevent the matter returning to court by holding discussions with representatives of Rangers FC Group, who argue that they hold a security over the liquidated assets of RFC 2012 plc.
If BDO concede the argument, Rangers FC Group would be the only secured creditor and first in line, ahead of HMRC, ticket agency Ticketus and other unsecured debtors, to take money from the pot.
A spokesperson for BDO said representatives of Rangers FC Group are appealing the liquidators’ rejection of the claim and that legal proceedings are still active, but negotiations are underway to try to end the impasse without further court action.