Cat Maclean to assist in Westminster financial disputes inquiry

Cat MacLean,
Cat MacLean,

MBM Commercial’s Cat Maclean is to assist in a Westminster inquiry into the use of alternative dispute resolution for financial disputes, along with other experts including former Master of the Rolls, Lord Dyson.

“Bridging the Gap: a level playing field for financial disputes” is a three stage inquiry set up by two different All Party Parliamentary Groups – the APPG on Fair Business Banking and the APPG on ADR.

A committee formed for the inquiry will look at finding suitable mechanisms that can be employed to provide a long term dispute resolution platform for businesses that find themselves in a financial dispute with a bank or other financial institutions.

The committee will hear evidence over three evidence sessions, in March, May and July, before producing its findings in a report.

The first session will hear from witnesses in relation to the current landscape; the second session will have witnesses on possible solutions and the way forward, with recommendations leading from this to be incorporated into a draft report; and the third session will explore the evidence provided, consideration of the draft recommendations and possible ministerial engagement on the way forward.

The first committee hearing will take place next Tuesday, 7 March.

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