Fife Council facing budget gap of £115m by 2020

Councillors have voiced concerns over the latest budget predictions that could mean a gap of £115 million for Fife Council over the next three years.

The local authority’s executive committee heard this week that the council could be expected to save £32m in 2017/18 alone.

Council leader David Ross said: “There is still uncertainty around the council’s financial future as we don’t yet know the detail of the Scottish Government’s local government finance settlement.

“Our share of that money will not be known until later next month. However we are planning ahead and asking council services to plan for a future based on 90 per cent of their current budgets by 2020.”

The council will announce a one year budget for 2017/18 in February next year and Cllr Ross is calling on political colleagues to work together in light of the serious financial challenges the council faces.

He added: “Council services have now put forward savings proposals that all political groups will consider before publishing final budget proposals. I’m suggesting that we delay our budget meeting in February to allow more time for all proposals to be considered and discussed and potentially reach agreement on common ground.

“It’s vital that we work together for the future of our services and that the people of Fife have the opportunity to see and understand what’s being proposed and agreed.”

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