Free training on offer to help boost Aberdeen city centre business

Councillors Ian Yuill and Alex McLellan
Aberdeen City Council, in partnership with Aberdeen Grampian Chamber of Commerce, is offering free tailored training sessions to help to city centre businesses.
The sessions take place on Monday 10 and Tuesday 18 February and cover business resilience and building long-term strategic relationships respectively.
The sessions are part of the Business Toolkit, launched earlier in January, designed to support best practice, knowledge sharing and networking, and a proactive adaptable, approach to the challenges and opportunities of a changing high street.
Aberdeen City Council co-leader councillor Ian Yuill said: “The council, in partnership with the chamber of commerce, is taking a proactive approach in helping city centre businesses adapt to the ever-evolving environment in which they operate.
“The two free sessions will focus on building the capabilities and relationships which can help operators future-proof their business in times of change. I would encourage businesses to take advantage of these opportunities.”
Aberdeen City Council Finance and Resources convener councillor Alex McLellan said: “The Council’s aim is to support businesses in all sectors and ensure that the city centre thrives even in the face of changing consumer spending habits and other challenges.
“Our commitment to a vibrant city centre with a mix of attractions and businesses that will attract visitors from far and wide. The two training sessions are just part of a toolkit specifically designed to deliver on that ambition.”
The first training session will be held at Aberdeen Art Gallery with the second taking place at Marsichal College. For more information on the training sessions and the business toolkit, please visit here.