Henderson Loggie saddened by death of former senior partner

Current partner George Hay led tribute.
Current partner George Hay led the tributes to former colleague.

The partners and staff of Henderson Loggie Chartered Accountants have said that they are saddened to learn of the death of former senior partner of the firm, David Macpherson.

Mr Macpherson, who died peacefully at Lochleven Care Home on July 31, was a senior partner from when the firm merged with the Dundee office of KPMG in 1997, until his retirement in 2001 thereafter continuing to act as consultant until 2005.

George Hay, partner in Henderson Loggie, said: “David was a lovely man. He was excellent to work with and was very loyal to his clients. He will be remembered for being generous, almost to a fault, and was always willing to find time to mentor his younger colleagues.

“He worked with many of his clients from when they were just starting out, right through to when they were large companies. Our thoughts are with his wife Pat and the family at this sad time.”

Mr Mcpherson was involved with the West End Lawn Tennis Club, Panmure Rugby Football Club and Downfield Golf Club in Dundee.

He is survived by his wife Pat and children Ian and Iona.

His funeral will take place on Monday, August 14 at 2.15pm at Invergowrie Parish Church, to which all friends are respectfully invited.

Flowers will be family only but donations will be accepted for Alzheimer Scotland.

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