Jumpstart helps put Linlithgow girls in fast lane to international F1 schools final

Jumpstart helps put Linlithgow girls in fast lane to international F1 schools final

A team of Scottish school girls will represent the UK at an international STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) event based on Formula 1 (F1) racing thanks in part to support from Edinburgh-based R&D tax relief specialist Jumpstart.

The all-female 14-15 year old team from Linlithgow Academy will compete at the F1 in Schools World Finals in Singapore in September.

Jumpstart has given the team its support with a £1K donation to help cover the costs of taking part in the prestigious event.

As part of the international competition involving over 20 million pupils across the globe, the girls designed a CO2 powered model F1 car using 3D CAD software which they raced down a track at speeds of 40mph.

After progressing through the Scottish stages, the team competed at the UK finals at Silverstone in March where they won 1st place in the Development Class and picked up the award for the fastest car, securing their place in Singapore.

The girls also created a verbal presentation, pit display and a business plan to support their progress through the competition.

Jumpstart managing director Scott Henderson, said: “As a business that is focused on helping others leverage innovation, we are delighted to support the Linlithgow Academy F1 in Schools team. Not only are they flying the flag for Scotland in the world finals, they are also serving as ambassadors by promoting the abilities of young women in STEM-related pursuits. We wish them the very best of luck when they travel to Singapore in September and hope they will secure a famous victory for the UK.”

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