SFE membership surges as Scottish financial services sector thrives

Sandy Begbie
Scottish Financial Enterprise (SFE), the trade body for Scotland’s financial and professional services industry, has enjoyed a record-breaking year in 2024.
Membership of SFE has increased over the year by 10%, with the organisation now boasting 125 businesses in its network.
The increase in membership reflects SFE’s continuing success in advocating for the sector. SFE’s Sector Growth Strategy has continued to yield dividends, with financial and professional services in Scotland growing 3% year on year to 10% of the Scottish economy (£14.8 billion GVA) and creating approximately 13,000 additional high-skill, high-wage jobs. The sector as a whole now employs just under 150,000 people across the country.
Meanwhile, Scotland has further solidified its reputation as the UK’s leading financial services destination outside London, with significant fintech investment growth and rising global rankings for Edinburgh and Glasgow in the Global Financial Centres Index and the Global Green Finance Index.
Sandy Begbie CBE, chief executive of Scottish Financial Enterprise, said the results provided a strong foundation for 2025.
He explained: “2024 has been another strong year for Scottish Financial Enterprise, with a membership surge of almost 10% meaning we now have 125 of Scotland’s most successful companies in our network.
“It is particularly satisfying to note that Scotland’s financial and professional services sector as a whole has also enjoyed significant growth of 3%, helping create an additional 13,000 high-skill, high-wage jobs across the country.
“This is yet more evidence of just how important Scotland’s financial and professional services industry is to achieving sustainable economic growth and job creation here.
“With the right support from both the UK and Scottish governments, Scotland’s financial and professional services sector can do even more to boost growth and create jobs in 2025 – and Scottish Financial Enterprise will continue to advocate for that support, and the industry as a whole, at the highest levels next year.”