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Tax expert Stuart Petrie discusses the heightened scrutiny and increased enforcement efforts by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), emphasising the importance of taking any enquiries seriously, the methods used for tax recovery, and the benefits of voluntary disclosures to mitigate penalties and liabilit

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HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has awarded Capgemini a contract worth up to £574 million to manage its legacy tax systems until 2029. Extending the French professional and IT service firm's involvement with HMRC, the new contract covers the enterprise tax management platform (ETMP) and enterpri

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HMRC has made significant changes to the process for updating VAT registration details. Aberdeen-based chartered accountants firm Hall Morrice is advising businesses that, effective from today, any requests to change VAT registration details must be made using the VAT online account.

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HMRC has failed to fine any enablers of offshore tax evasion in the five years since landmark powers were introduced to do so, an investigation has revealed. Despite UK government claims that the laws would "create a level playing field" and potentially raise millions in fines, figures obtained by T

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Thousands more taxpayers moved to Scotland than left each year in the period after Scottish Income Tax was brought in, new HMRC research has found. The study, looking at movement within the UK over 12 years, found a steady increase in net migration of taxpayers in the five years from when the tax wa

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A substantial number of Scottish businesses could potentially miss out on vital research and development (R&D) tax relief by failing to meet new requirements to pre-register their intention to make a claim, a tax expert has claimed. According to Gemma Monaghan, Azets partner and national head of

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HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has backtracked on plans to shut its self-assessment telephone helpline for half the year after facing intense backlash. The tax authority had announced the line would close between April and September, directing taxpayers online instead. However, less than 24 hours lat

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The UK government is set to enlist private debt collectors to pursue individuals and companies owing up to £4.3 billion in unpaid taxes, as part of a major crackdown spearheaded by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). Under Chancellor Jeremy Hunt's proposals, debt collection agencies will be contrac

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HMRC has garnered £1 billion in additional revenue through investigations into underpaid landfill tax over the past five years, with a £281 million collected in the last year alone, according to law firm Pinsent Masons. Landfill tax is imposed on waste disposed of in landfill and is desi

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