ICAS launches first public finances accountability guide

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS) has launched a new public finances accountability guide to provide the first comprehensive source of the public finance accountability arrangements between the UK and Scottish governments.
The Accountability Matrix, which explains the complete public finance trail matched to accountability arrangements, has been developed to provide independent and balanced information on public finances and how decision-makers are held to account.
Bruce Cartwright CA, ICAS chief executive, said: “The processes and accountability arrangements surrounding public finances in the UK and Scotland continue to evolve and there has been a need for an accessible guide to help navigate the complexity. ICAS’ new Accountability Matrix is an important step forward in supporting transparency, public understanding and effective scrutiny of public money, and the overall UK and Scottish government accountability arrangements.”
Gordon Smail CA, chair of the ICAS Public Sector panel, added: “With increasing public interest in public money and what it achieves – this guide helps to explain how the system works and who’s accountable for what.”
The Accountability Matrix includes information about the setting of the UK budget and the associated budget scrutiny process, and how the UK Government is held accountable for public spending. The guide then considers how powers are split between the UK and Scottish Parliaments.
Devolved finances are inextricably linked with the UK finances and the guide also includes a section on UK Government funding of devolved jurisdictions and the Fiscal Framework.