M&D’s rollercoaster crash victims recieve £1.2m payout

Ten victims of the M&D’s rollercoaster crash in 2016 are to receive £1.2 million in damages from the owners of the amusement park.
Seven children were among those who were injured at the park in Motherwell when five gondolas on the Tsunami rollercoaster detached from their rails at a bend and fell to the ground.
The ten victims have now successfully sued the bosses of the theme part over the physical and psychological injuries caused by the crash, the BBC reports.
M&D’s owners have already been fined £65,000 for health and safety breaches.
The company pled guilty to the charges relating to the Health and Safety at Work Act at Hamilton Sheriff Court in March this year.
The court heard that the lives of some of the victims had been “permanently and irreversibly affected”.
David Nellaney, of Digby Brown Solicitors in Glasgow, said that it had been proven that the accident would not have happened if the rollercoaster had been properly inspected and maintained by the bosses of the park.
He said: “The failure to do so has had a dramatic and lasting impact on the victims and their families.
“These victims had their lives changed through no fault of their own and while no amount of compensation can undo their pain, it may at least contribute to improving their future.”