Financial forecasts for Scottish Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) remain robust but governing bodies could face difficult trade-offs as finances tighten, according to the Scottish Housing Regulator’s summary of the sector’s financial plans for the next five years.
Glasgow-based factoring firm Newton Property Management has successfully acquired Morison Walker Property Management, a historic company rooted in Greenock since its inception in the early 19th century. The acquisition sees Newton, a member firm of The Property Managers’ Association Scotland,
November saw both lower demand and supply in the Scottish property market according to the latest Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Residential Market.
The Scottish Budget is under pressure to boost the housing sector, as highlighted by property firm DJ Alexander Ltd. The company's CEO, David Alexander, stresses the urgent need for governmental action, including stimulating private sector building, expanding social housing, and revising the Land an
UK Finance has unveiled its housing and mortgage market forecasts for 2024 and 2025, alongside a review of 2023 showing that the UK mortgage market has experienced significant pressures in 2023 due to rising interest rates and increasing household costs.
Factors Direct, the property factoring company launched earlier this year by Glasgow-headquartered Cairn Group, has acquired Clyde PM, the factoring arm of estate agent Clyde Property, and the Scottish arm of Glasgow-based Nationspaces Developments which operates across all aspects of property manag
The average selling price of property in Edinburgh, the Lothians, Fife and the Borders dropped 6.6% year-on-year to £273,348, according to new figures from ESPC.
Lomond Group, a player in the UK's property market with a significant presence in Scotland, has recently acquired a further two agencies. The group, which has made nearly 50 acquisitions since 2021, has shown its commitment to expansion in the Scottish market with the acquisition of the lettings por
Aberdeen house prices have experienced a minor quarterly decrease of 0.6%, with a more significant annual drop of 4.4%, according to the Aberdeen Solicitors' Property Centre (ASPC).
Glasgow's rental market has experienced an unprecedented surge, with a shortage of rental flats driving demand and prices to a decade high, according to local letting agency Rosevale Letting. “Rental returns are the strongest we’ve seen for the last seven to eight years or maybe even ten
Scotland's average monthly house prices have reached record highs, contrasting with the static or falling prices in other parts of the UK. Estate and lettings agency DJ Alexander Ltd reported that average prices were at £194,156 in August which is the latest month for which there is offic
Finances in Scotland's social housing sector remain resilient, but landlords continue to face significant challenges, the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) said yesterday.
The average price for a property in Scotland saw a marginal decrease in September compared to the previous month but was an increase of 2.5% when compared to September 2022.
The housing market in Scotland remains subdued, with sales, instructions and prices all in decline, according to the latest Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Residential Market Survey.
Property investment house Cox & Co has expanded its operation to include an estate agency division. The new arm of the Edinburgh-based business has five brokers covering the city and surrounding areas, with staffing set to quadruple in the next 24 months as the firm extends across the country.