Just a Minute with Donald McKinnon

Donald McKinnon
Donald McKinnon, managing partner at Wylie & Bisset chartered accountants, participates in our Just a Minute feature.
Donald McKinnon
Managing partner, Wylie & Bisset Chartered Accountants
How did you get started in the industry?
I joined an accountancy practice direct from securing my university qualifications. Last year marked my twenty-fifth at Wylie & Bisset.
Biggest professional achievement:
Passing my exams is one thing, doing the job is another.
Best advice you received:
Don’t be too eager to judge and the truth of the matter is often
found at the centre.
What do you like most about your job?
A level of autonomy and variety.
And the least?
Bureaucratic legislation with unintended consequences.
What are the biggest challenges your firm has faced because of the COVID-19 pandemic?
Trying to map a strategic plan and strategy post lockdown
What measures have you brought in to address these challenges?
Looking at ways to adapt to a modern culture that fits best with our staff and clients.
Will they stay in place after this is all over?
I would like to think lessons have been learned and that we will keep the new measures that have been shown to work.
Which newsletters/ bulletins do you receive?
It’s hard not to receive most of them – reading them all is another matter!
How would you change Scottish Financial News?
I would welcome more in-depth features to complement the news items, together with more business and financial analysis/advisory pieces.
Do you read a daily newspaper?
I migrated to online editions along with elements of social media, which tend to be more up-to-date as opposed to yesterday’s news.
Which social media sites do you use and which do you find the most useful?
I tend to use Twitter as it seems current.
Hobbies and interests:
Generally being outside, with the biggest pursuit being cycling – both road bike and mountain bike along with walking the dog.
Favourite holiday destination:
Not found a favourite yet, as we do like to continually travel, although we do like parts of Asia
If you, or a colleague, would like to participate in the feature please contact newsdesk@scottishnews.com.