Scottish Housing News reaches 9,000 daily readers milestone

Subscribers to the free daily Scottish Housing News newsletter, our sister publication for Scotland’s social housing sector, have exceeded 9,000 for the first time with over 100 new readers in the last month taking the figure to 9,120.
Unique visitors to the Scottish Housing News website over the last three months have averaged 53,000 and our social media channels continue to grow.
SHN editor Kieran Findlay said: “Our continued growth means that we are offering ever better value to our loyal advertisers who can tap into our saturation circulation in the sector.”
He added: “We are continuing to develop the editorial side of things. This year we have launched our successful podcast channel, headlining this week with Scottish Government minister Patrick Harvie and also our Housing Champion interview series.
“I would also like to thank all the PR and comms professionals as well as our valued contributors who keep the stories coming.”