Scottish Housing News subscribers up 23%

Graham Ogilvy
Subscribers to our sister publication Scottish Housing News passed the 11k milestone last month with 225 new readers of the free daily newsletter for Scotland’s dynamic social housing sector taking the subscribers’ total to 11,050.
Daily subscribers have grown by an impressive 23% in the last year with 2,076 new readers attracted by the SHN blend of daily news, features, podcasts, job adverts and events.
Publisher Graham Ogilvy said: “It is amazing to see SHN still growing – 23 years after we first launched in the year 2000 with a circulation list of just 13 people! Our growth has been organic and is based on providing readers with up-to-date, relevant and cutting edge content.
“SHN editor Kieran Findlay and his team are doing a great job. In the last year we have launched our popular new Housing Champion feature with interviews of key figures in the sector and Kieran and Jimmy Black have now produced a total of 40 Podcasts accompanied by Jimmy’s ‘Black’s Blog’.”
He added: “Our increased readership is also reflected in our growing social media following and internet unique visitors.
“So congratulations to Kieran, Jimmy Black, Jeff Anderson and thanks to all of our contributors, advertisers and readers for making SHN such a success.”