Scottish Parliament to nominate Stephen Boyle for new Auditor General for Scotland
On Tuesday, the Scottish Parliament will be invited to nominate Stephen Boyle to Her Majesty the Queen for appointment as the new Auditor General for Scotland.

Stephen Boyle
Mr Boyle will succeed Caroline Gardner whose 8-year term in office ends on 30 June 2020.
The Auditor General is an independent officeholder who is responsible for auditing £50 billion of public money. They audit the consolidated accounts of the Scottish Government, the Scottish Parliament and over 200 organisations including government agencies (e.g. Scottish Prison Services and Historic Scotland), NHS bodies, further education colleges and all Non-Departmental public bodies (e.g. Scottish Enterprise and Visit Scotland).
The Auditor General reports to the Scottish Parliament through the Public Audit and Post-legislative Scrutiny Committee on the financial management and performance of public bodies in Scotland.
The motion seeking the Parliament’s agreement to nominate Mr Boyle to Her Majesty for appointment will be considered on Tuesday 10 March 2020.
The position is a full-time, single term appointment for eight years with a salary of £142k per annum. The nomination is being made following an open recruitment process undertaken by a cross-party selection panel of MSPs which was chaired by the Presiding Officer.
Mr Boyle is an audit director at Audit Scotland and leads its central government audit work, including audits of the Scottish Government, the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body and the European Agricultural Funds Account.
Mr Boyle is also the appointed auditor of the Scottish Police Authority, the Scottish Public Pension Agency and Registers of Scotland, and has previously audited local authorities and NHS bodies.
Before joining Audit Scotland in 2013, Mr Boyle held senior roles at Glasgow Housing Association, Cube Housing Association and the Scottish Housing Regulator.
Mr Boyle is a qualified accountant and a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy.