Sir Angus Grossart Alexander Dennis, the Scottish bus and coach builder bought 11 years ago by a consortium led by Sir Angus Grossart, Sir Brian Souter and Sir David Murray, could fetch £300 million, if rumours of an impending sale are true.
Mark Richards Specialist global insurer Hiscox has granted its Scottish broker “delegated authority” to underwrite on its behalf.
John Lennon Visits to Scotland’s main tourist attractions increased by 1.7 million last year, according to new research conducted by Glasgow Caledonian University’s (GCU) Moffat Centre for Travel and Tourism Business Development.
Jim McColl The business and assets of Grantown-on-Spey-based MacKellar Sub-Sea Limited and its related company, Tritech Nairn Limited, have been sold to Ferguson Marine Engineering, a subsidiary of Clyde Blowers Capital.
David Dowell BDO has announced that David Dowell will be joining the accountancy firm next week as a senior manager in corporate tax in its Glasgow office.
Robert Fergusson Ayr-based accountants William Duncan + Co has launched its expansion drive with the opening of a new Glasgow office.
Thomas Ashdown The removal of no fault grounds for repossession and the spectre of rent controls in city hotspots will result in an exodus of landlords from the Scottish private rented sector (PRS), new research has suggested.
Sandy Manson Johnston Carmichael has been announced as a finalist in the Scottish Accountancy & Finance Awards for an eighth consecutive year.
Martin Gilbert Aberdeen Asset Management grew revenue, profit and assets under management in the six months to the end of March, as last year’s acquisition of Scottish Widows Investment Partnership buoyed half year results.
Scotland’s population reached its highest ever total in 2014, new statistics have shown. Figures from the National Records of Scotland (NRS) show that the estimated population of Scotland was 5,347,600 in mid-2014.
Aberdeen-based accountants Anderson Anderson & Brown (AAB) has announced two further key senior appointments. Tracy Lowe and Catrina McRobb.
David Macmillan Edinburgh-based Aegon UK has announced that its managing director is to leave his current role to take up a new position within the Dutch group.
The first quarter of 2015 saw house prices in Aberdeen and its suburbs increase by 0.5 per cent, according to latest figures. The rise was against a downward trend of a 2.9 per cent fall across Scotland over the same period.
Antonio Horta-Osario Edinburgh-based Lloyds Banking Group made a £1.2bn profit in the first three months of 2015 -an 11 per cent fall year-on-year from the £1.4bn recorded in the first quarter of 2014.
Campaigners have called for the reintroduction of private rent controls as new figures reveal a massive increase in rents in Scotland’s biggest cities. New statistics released this week by Citylets, show that rents in Glasgow have increased faster than anywhere else in Scotland, up by 9.2 per cent