“They have pulled the tiger’s tail and the tiger is going to bite them back. I was nearly broke but now I am back, bigger, uglier and stronger than ever before.” Those were the defiant words of Scottish businessman Stewart Ford who was yesterday fined £75 million by the Financial Conduct Auth
Liz Cameron The Scottish Chambers of Commerce has called for relief on taxes and employers’ contributions to help meet the Scottish Government’s plan to see all firms pay a “living wage” to employees.
Edinburgh-based Royal Bank of Scotland could be about to bid on a £13bn bundle of state-owned mortgages emanating from the Northern Rock collapse. The news comes as still 80 per cent taxpayer-owned RBS revealed yesterday that it will make a loss of £5 million on the £205m sale of a portfolio of p
Mark Harvey Scotland was second only to London last year in attracting inward investment projects from around the world, according to a new survey from global accounting firm EY.
Ross Mickel Skills shortages in the Scottish construction sector are becoming more acute as trained workers leave for higher wages overseas, a senior executive within the industry has warned.
Nanette Aitken Troon-based software specialist Serendipity EMS, which has supplied Kilmarnock Football Club with a new ticketing system, has announced ambitions to win similar contracts throughout the UK.
Julie Hesketh-Laird Scottish whisky distilleries are attracting more visitors from the UK and across the globe than ever before after more than 1.5 million people came to see how the iconic product is made last year - and spending £50 million in the process.
Fraser Lusty An audience in Inverness will hear tomorrow how crowdfundng is performing a vital role by filling a finance gap for Scotland’s investors and businesses.
Nitesh Patel Three seaside towns in Scotland have recorded at least a doubling in house prices since 2005, according to research from Bank of Scotland.
Paul Marshall is a partner, and Niall McLean is an associate in the business ethics team at Brodies LLP Behaving ethically, and being seen to be behave ethically, is an increasingly important aspect of doing business. In a climate in which businesses are subjected to unprecedented scrutiny and growi
Laura Falls New laws hailed as making it easier to start and grow a business are actually likely to increase the burden of red tape on Scottish SMEs, according to law firm HBJ Gateley.
Angela Hickmore The number of new financial services jobs available in Scotland's largest cities has increased by more than 20 per cent since the independence referendum, according to a new report.
The Nationwide Building Society has reported a 54 per cent rise in annual pre-tax profit to £1.04bn. The building society reported £677m a year earlier and the result sees Nationwide return to its position of the UK's second largest mortgage lender.
A global cigarette and tobacco company is targeting Holyrood as it launches the largest corporate compensation case in history over plain packaging legislation. Philip Morris will reportedly issue proceedings by Tuesday as it seeks between £9 billion and £11 billion from the UK and Scottish govern
From left: Lindsay Darroch, partner, Blackadders LLP; Campbell Clark, partner Blackadders LLP; Marjory MacDonald; Johnston Clark (managing partner, Blackadders LLP Angus legal firm Marjory MacDonald Solicitors is to merge with Blackadders LLP on 22 May.