May saw UK home-owners borrow £9.4bn for house purchase, up 15 per cent month-on-month and 8 per cent year-on-year, according to latest figures from the Council of Mortgage Lenders.
Confidence among Scotland’s business community is in decline but remains resilient, according to research from business and financial adviser Grant Thornton.
The most vulnerable people in Scotland are falling into destitution because the benefits system is failing to provide a safety net, according to a charity.
Property developer MNM Developments has started work on an £11 million residential scheme in the heart of Edinburgh supported by a £7.7 million funding package from Bank of Scotland.
Tenants in Scotland have had to meet rent increases that are among the highest in the UK and accelerating at almost twice the countrywide average.
Fifteen Scottish-based accountants have been named among ICAS’s 35 Chartered Accountants (CAs) under 35 for 2016. The global body of finance professionals said the list, which includes entries spanning six continents, recognises “the best and brightest Chartered Accountants who are making a diff
Aberdeen Asset Management is set to off-load £250 million worth of property in London as a means of heading off costs incurred on its UK commercial property fund following the UK’s Brexit vote.
European countries have given their support to an independent Scotland’s place in the EU, according to a new poll.
Paul Allan of Exchange Mortgages and Alan Reid of Cornerstone. A new “impartial mortgage advice and lending service” aimed at helping home-buyers from start to finish has been launched in Edinburgh.
James Stuart Entrepreneurial network Entrepreneurial Scotland has appointed former army major James Stuart as managing director.
Sue Dawe EY has signed the HM Treasury’s Women in Finance Charter, which aims to drive diversity in the financial service industry.
Family-owned housebuilder Campion Homes is to accelerate its private residential and affordable home building programme after receiving a multi-million pound investment from the Business Growth Fund (BGF). The Fife-headquartered business said it plans to build 700 new homes over the next five years
Fifteen Scottish-based accountants have been named among ICAS’s 35 Chartered Accountants (CAs) under 35 for 2016. The global body of finance professionals said the list, which includes entries spanning six continents, recognises “the best and brightest Chartered Accountants who are making a diff
Aberdeen Asset Management has revealed that many trades submitted last week on its property fund have been withdrawn by investors following the application of new exit penalties. The firm also announced that it is to extend the temporary suspension on trading on its UK Property Fund and the Aberdeen
Sean McAuley Aberdeen-based accountants Anderson Anderson & Brown LLP have announced that Sean McAuley, who heads up the firm’s fraud prevention & investigation and independent whistleblowing service lines, has successfully achieved the globally preferred Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) cre