Begbies Traynor has been appointed liquidator after award winning and highly regarded Scottish independent retailer Games Centre ceased trading after more than a quarter of a century in business.
Less than half (45 per cent) of executives are confident in their own digital skills and ability to lead their organisation in the digital economy, while just 16 per cent believe their talent pool has enough knowledge and expertise to deliver their digital strategy, a survey conducted by Deloitte h
Royal Bank of Scotland has announced that it has updated its policies governing lending to the energy sector as part of its strategy to become a simpler, safer bank.
Women retiring in 2018 will have average expected retirement incomes £4,900 lower than men as the gender gap remains a major issue, new research from Prudential has shown.
Bosses at Standard Life Aberdeen have been forced to defend the mega merger that created the financial giant while at the same time conceding to disgruntled shareholders at the firm's first AGM yesterday that they need to improve to fulfil their ambitions.
David Kirchin The corporate team of International law firm Addleshaw Goddard in Scotland has advised on more than £500million worth of transactions in 2018 so far, a total it says demonstrates a healthy appetite for activity from both domestic and international buyers.
Andrew Renouf By all accounts, Scotland’s hotel sector is in good health, argues Andrew Renouf, director in Retail, Hotels & Leisure at GVA
The Association of Accounting Technicians (ATT) has become the first accounting body to support a cross-party, multi-business campaign for the introduction of a retentions deposit scheme for small businesses (SMEs).
Matt Strachan Chief Investment Officer Thorntons Investments Discretionary investment manager Thorntons Investments has today announced that its Managed Portfolio Service (MPS) is now available on the Zurich Intermediary Platform.
Ewen Stevenson Royal Bank of Scotland has this morning announced that Ewen Stevenson has resigned from his role as chief financial officer and executive director to take up an opportunity elsewhere.
Anne Dick Wealth managers Brewin Dolphin is growing its matrimonial offering in Scotland with the appointment of family law and mediation expert, Anne Hall Dick, as a consultant.
ICAS has announced its Top 100 Young CAs under 35 for 2018 following months of deliberation.
Court of Session A financial firm which has been seeking to call up £2.5 million in loans granted to a husband and wife by Glasgow-based Clydesdale Bank for the purpose of purchasing and renovating their new home, has failed in an appeal against a judge’s decision to prevent the so-called “vult
The “Bank of Mum and Dad” will help fund one in four property purchases this year – but is starting to feel the pinch, according to new research.
Philip Hammond A multibillion pound sell-off of Royal Bank of Scotland shares by the UK Government is now imminent, despite them being worth little more than half of what they were when the Edinburgh-based lender was bailed out at a cost of £45.5 billion to the taxpayer in 2008.