Scottish landlords are enjoying the highest annual rental returns ever recorded north of border, according to the latest data. The figures provided by Your Move, show that Scottish landlords have seen total annual returns of 9.7 per cent on average in the 12 months to March.
The Scottish Government has announced an initial £6 million of financial support for economic growth in Fife following the announcement on Monday of hundreds of job losses at paper-maker Tullis Russell. Holyrood officials said the money will used in part to help fund retraining for the workforce at
Edinburgh-based insurance giant Standard Life's has reported a 5 per cent increase in assets under administration (AUA). The firm’s latest results showed assets buoyed by net inflows of £1.5bn and "positive market movements".
Fiona McBain Glasgow-based mutual Scottish Friendly has seen funds under management hit £1 billion for the first time, after an 8 per cent rise last year.
The first three months of 2015 saw the rate of economic growth half to 0.3 per cent, according to latest official figures. The result was the slowest quarterly growth for two years, Office for National Statistics said.
A 42-year old Scottish businessman who ran a multi-million pound VAT fraud scheme out of his Dundee bedroom has been ordered to pay £240,000 to prosecutors. Shahid Ramzam's legal team agreed he evaded VAT payments of £5,661,839 between October 2002 and July 2004, and the High Court in Edinburgh ha
Jim Brown Royal Bank of Scotland has announced that John Maltby will step down from his role as chief executive at Williams & Glyn, the challenger bank that RBS was forced to create as a result of rules relating to its Government bail-out at the height of the financial crisis.
Glasgow Credit Union has pledged to make £10 million available to help first time buyers onto the property ladder this year from as little as £1000 deposit. The UK’s largest and most successful credit union has launched its promise to make mortgage borrowing more accessible and affordable, by re
Sarah Speirs Demand for commercial property in the UK is growing close to its fastest pace since 1998 and, along with a surge in investment, reflects the widening economic recovery, according to the latest RICS Commercial Market Survey.
The next two years could see Britain’s biggest banks hit with up to another £19 billion of charges relating to past misconduct, according to Standard & Poor’s (S&P). In a new report, the ratings agency said Britain’s banks and customer-owned lenders had incurred £48 billion in miscon
Patrick Mill Alliance Trust Savings and Standard Life have signed an agreement to transfer the £32 million Standard Life Savings Investment Trust ISA and Savings Scheme to the appropriate ISA and Investment Dealing Accounts provided by ATS.
House prices in Scotland rose 13.3 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2014-15 compared to the same period in the previous year, according to official statistics published today by Registers of Scotland (RoS). The average house price in Scotland from January to March was £173,830, the highest figure
After weeks of claim and counter-claim, in what had become an increasingly hostile stand-off, the board of Alliance Trust has today sensationally announced an agreement with activist shareholder Elliott Advisors. Peace broke out on the eve of what was billed as tomorrow’s crunch AGM showdown after
Tullis Russell the 70 per cent employee-owned Fife papermill which has a history stretching back more than 200 years has gone in into administration with the immediate loss of 325 jobs. Bosses speaking from the company’s Markinch base confirmed today that accountancy firm KPMG has been appointed a
The price of oil is holding steady at a four and a half month high driven up by concerns over disruption to supplies from the Middle East. Brent crude oil is at $65.37 per barrel and has gained around $9 since March.