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Employees at stricken McGill, the Dundee-based contractor, have contacted our sister publication Scottish Construction Now to raise concerns over their pensions - alleging that pension contributions deducted from some employees' wages have not been paid into the designated pension fund and clai

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The government has published legislation confirming that low earners who save through a Net Pay Arrangement (NPA) will get the same level of government top-up as those who use Relief at Source schemes. Under the new legislation, 1.2 million low earners to see a boost to their take-home pay from 2025

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Scottish Leather Group, producer of sustainable leather, has contracted the services of Isio, a national pensions and investment advisory firm with offices in both Edinburgh and Glasgow. Isio has been appointed as scheme actuary, investment advisor and administrator to the Scottish Leather Group pen

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Support for ‘greener’ pension schemes has been growing among UK savers with over two fifths of savers having shown support for the government's eco-friendly push, pressuring pension schemes to move away from investments driving deforestation.

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The UK state pension age should be increased to 75 by 2035, an influential think tank linked to the Conservatives has said. The right-wing Centre for Social Justice (CSJ), set up by former Conservative leader and work and pensions secretary Iain Duncan Smith, said the UK is "not responding to the ne

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Graham Vidler With 82 per cent of people aged 18 to 64 years old in Scotland saying they were not sure or did not know where to look to tell if they were on track with their retirement savings, the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) has launched a major new consultation designed to hel

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The Strathclyde Pension Fund, one of the biggest local authority pension funds in the world, with net assets of more than £13.9 billion, has been exposed for having investments worth £83 million in 11 of the world's 20 biggest arms manufacturers.

16-25 of 25 Articles
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