The Scottish Government has issued payments worth £19.1 million to almost 6,000 farmers and crofters in Scotland’s most remote and rural areas from the Less Favoured Area Support Scheme (LFASS). The majority will receive balance payments on top of the 95% loan paid between January and Ma
Scottish Government
Savills Planning has welcomed the provisions being put in place by the Scottish Government to keep the wheels of the country’s planning system in motion during the current hiatus caused by coronavirus. Savills planning team in Scotland has been liaising with the chief planner and his tea
The Scottish Government has implemented a 100% business rates relief for retail, hospitality and leisure premises for the next 12 months, in a move which the Scottish Retail Consortium (SRC) has labelled as a 'shot in the arm' for the retail sector.
The Scottish Government has launched a fund to help Scotland's credit unions continue to support those in need during the current coronavirus crisis.
The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) Scotland has called for the Scottish Government to establish a new emergency grant and loan scheme for smaller businesses and the self-employed. In a letter to ministers, FSB Scotland has called for new help for operators who are either excluded from existing
Around 7,000 specialist beef producers will benefit from payments worth around £40 million in the coming weeks, ensuring money is still going to farmers and crofters during these unprecedented and challenging times.
Financial support for seafood processors to help them through economic pressures related to the coronavirus pandemic will be available through a new £10 million scheme announced by the Scottish Government.
Britain's mortgage lenders have dramatically increased their loan-to-value deposits for house purchases with Halifax and Barclays among those seeking 40% down-payments to fund buyers amid rising expectations of a housing crash.
Many Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) in Scotland will be at the forefront of the local response to the COVID-19 outbreak through a £1 million resilience fund made available by the Aileen Campbell, cabinet secretary for communities and local government. Business Improvement Districts are
The Scottish Government has pledged £25m worth of funding to third sector organisations across Scotland through the newly created Third Sector Resilience Fund (TSRF).
The Scottish Government has announced that the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors along with aviation industries will be aided by rates relief to support them during the coronavirus outbreak.
The Scottish Government has launched a £1 billion business support fund meaning businesses can now apply for grants to help them deal with the impact of the coronavirus outbreak. The one-off grants are designed to help protect jobs, prevent business closures and promote economic recovery, and
Scotland's insolvency service Accountant in Bankruptcy (AiB) has suspended sales and evictions from property in ongoing bankruptcy administrations until further notice in response to the current coronavirus pandemic. New measures and greater flexibility are also being introduced by AiB - Scotla
Yesterday, economy secretary Fiona Hyslop announced a series of measures to mitigate the economic impact of the coronavirus on businesses in Scotland, including a £2.2 billion for businesses. In her statement, Ms Hyslop warned that as a result of coronavirus, the Scottish economy is facing an
The number of young people ages 16-24 years in employment in Scotland from January 2019 to December 2019 has increased from 57.2% to 57.9%, according to the Annual Population Survey.