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Four Scottish accountancy veterans have been recruited by Belfast finance firm HNH to open a new corporate finance office in Edinburgh to target small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) including family-owned companies. HNH specialises in advising customers in deals within the £1 million to &

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Business leaders from across Scotland have come together to share their stories and inspire young people as part of National Inclusion Week. On Wednesday, representatives from KPMG, Martin Currie, PwC, Royal London Group, Investment2020 and Aberdeen Standard, spoke to over 100 S4 pupils at St.

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The administration process for McGill & Co has been extended until January 2021 as administrators said the “level and timing” of distributions to unsecured creditors in the former Dundee building services firm remains unclear. Almost 380 jobs were lost when McGill collapsed at the st

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The Scottish Building Society (SBS) has joined the Scottish Financial Enterprise (SFE). SFE supports Scotland's financial services sector and includes organisations such as HSBC, Investe, Jpmorgan, KPMG and Lloyds Banking Group. It represents an industry that employs over 160,000 people in Scot

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Big Four firm KPMG has warned Scottish businesses to prepare for a recession in the event of a no-deal Brexit. According to KPMG's latest quarterly Economic Outlook, a disorderly exit from the European Union on 31 October could prompt a four-quarter recession with GDP contracting by 1.5% next year.

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Research from KPMG UK has revealed that house prices in Scotland risk a six per cent drop if Britain leaves the EU without a deal at the end of next month. KPMG warned that a decrease of 10-20 per cent is "not out of the question" if the market reacts more strongly than expected.

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KPMG has hired 80 new recruits to join the company's Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen offices in 2019. The company has hired an extensive number of talented young people with specialisms in audit, tax, consulting, and new digital tech-focused roles.

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The value of major fraud cases going through the Scottish courts has declined, according to the latest data from KPMG’s Fraud Barometer, which analyses alleged fraud worth more than £100,000. Four cases were heard in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Paisley in the first half of 2019, down from nin

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Blair Nimmo and Alistair McAlinden of KPMG LLP have been appointed joint administrators of Hutchinson Networks. Established in 2011, the Edinburgh-based business delivers IT network solutions to blue-chip and SME customers across the globe.

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KPMG, administrators for Dundee-based building services firm McGill & Co, have found a buyer for the business. A company led by Dundee-based businessman Graeme Carling is now in exclusive talks about a deal, KPMG announced this morning.

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Blair Nimmo and Geoff Jacobs of KPMG LLP have been appointed as joint administrators of Dundee-based building contractor McGill & Co Limited. McGill & Co, established in 1981, provides services to clients in the residential, commercial and industrial sectors from its headquarters in Dundee a

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Blair Nimmo and Alistair McAlinden of KPMG have been appointed joint administrators of Edinburgh-based Our Power Energy Supply Limited. The company supplied gas and electricity to around 31,000 customers across the UK and was part of a group of companies owned by Our Power Community Benefit Society,

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